How to record a lambing event & lambs information using the LambPlus App
Your LambPlus App serves as an electronic version of your lambing notebook. The app is available on both Android and iOS (Apple) devices for all Sheep Ireland users.
Flock data can be recorded without an internet connection
Once the breeder has logged in and downloaded their flock, they can record flock data offline if necessary. Once internet connection is re-established, the information will automatically save & load onto the database.
It is still essential that breeders regularly check via the Sheep Ireland website to ensure they have successfully loaded their data. Additionally, breeders can access all their flock reports via the website.
How to manually record a lambing event on the LambPlus App
How to record a lambing event on the LambPlus App using an EID reader
The LambPlus app is compatible with various EID readers. Recording lambing events using an EID reader is a straightforward process; simply scan the EID tag on the animal and the app will automatically retrieve the selected ewe’s details. Using an EID reader helps to minimise errors which may occur when manually entering tag numbers.
Watch the video below on how to record on the LambPlus app using an EID reader