Flocks can order genotypes via their Genomic ordering screen in order to parentage verify, obtain parentage predictions and get scrapie type results for their lambs. Once genotypes have been ordered tissue sample tags should arrive in the post 3-5 working days later. In the DNA kit, a return envelope is enclosed with the return address of the laboratory you must send them to. The cost of each genotype has been subsidised by Sheep Ireland from €24.50 to €15.00.
Sheep Ireland would also strongly recommend that any stock rams on the farm that are not currently genotyped be done so immediately as this is now compulsory for LambPlus breeder to receive €urostars on their 2021 born lambs. Genotyping stock rams will help to correct any potential parentage errors found in your flock in future. You can check if your stock ram is genotyped or not though your Sheep Ireland account and going to Genomic Ordering and checking the genotyping status of the animal there.
Click here to find out why parentage assignment is important
Video below!
Please have a look at the video below which demonstrates 10 steps on how to order genotypes via genomic ordering screen via your Sheep Ireland account. To read about the steps below click here and look at answers to frequently asked question.