The Data Quality Index (DQI) is an index that rates flocks based on the quality and quantity of the data recorded on the flock over the previous year. This index can be used to help LambPlus farmers identify the areas where their data recording needs the most attention in the year ahead. Each LambPlus member can access their DQI through their Sheep Ireland login, they will find the score on their homepage.
The target DQI score is at least 80% or higher
The DQI reflects three aspects of your data recording
- Completeness — Have you recorded all available information on the Sheep Ireland database?
- Timeliness — Have you recorded this data in a prompt manner?
- Quality — Have you accurately recorded this data?
How do I improve my DQI?
There is a helpful note on the right hand side of the DQI screen listing the areas where your DQI could be most improved.
Why has my DQI not changed after I entered more information?
The DQI will be periodically updated, however, it can be updated manually at any time by simply clicking on the recalculate button below your DQI score. This will then give you your most current DQI
5 areas to focus on at this time of year
- Ensure all your pregnancy scans are recorded and at least 3 weeks before your ewes begin lambing. This can be done on the LambPlus App also.
- Any ewe lambs that have not been mated should be recorded as so in your ‘Lambing Management’ screen (This can be done on the LambPlus App also) OR in your ‘Mating’ screen under ‘Ewes Not Mated’ on the top right of the screen.
- Any barren ewes must be recorded as so in the ‘Lambing Management’ screen. This can be done on the LambPlus App also.
- Any culled or dead ewes should be done through your ‘Off Farm Sales’, ‘Factory Sales’ or using the ‘Death’ tab of the animal found in your inventory.
- Any ewes that have lambed down so far should be immediately recorded onto the database (any ewe that has aborted must be recorded also). Lambing difficulty and birth weights must be recorded. Dead lambs and their weights must also be recorded (although it doesn’t affect the DQI, ensure all aspects of lambing are recorded; ewe milk, ewe mothering, lamb vigour, and management group). This can be done on the LambPlus App also.
For more information click here What is the DQI and why it is important? – Sheep Ireland
If you have any concerns or queries on what you need to do, please contact us at 023 882 0451 or email [email protected]