Weekly Update: 02/10/2015
STAP Today marks the deadline for STAP task completion which means there is a huge amount of activity in the Sheep Ireland office. For STAP purposes in 2015 the €uro-Star…
STAP Today marks the deadline for STAP task completion which means there is a huge amount of activity in the Sheep Ireland office. For STAP purposes in 2015 the €uro-Star…
Ploughing 2015 This week was a very busy one with the National Ploughing championships in Ratheniska, Co. Laois. Sheep Ireland participated in the Livestock Demonstration in association with the Irish…
Meeting with breed society representatives This week Sheep Ireland held their regular board meeting. In advance of this board meeting, we invited the representatives of all sheep breed societies to…
Central Progeny Test (CPT) 2015 Plans for this year’s CPT are progressing rapidly. We are currently assembling our ram list for the AI programme and have a full panel of…
A ram report has been launched for all LambPlus members. This report displays all the rams used in the flock for the previous 6 years. For these rams the following…
The Launch of the Data Quality Index The Data Quality Index (DQI) is a new index that rates flocks based on the quality and quantity of the data recorded on…
The LambPlus Multi-Breed ram sale Preparations are well under way for our sale tomorrow (Saturday 22nd August); breeders are asked to start showing up from 9:00am with the sale kicking…
Tullamore mart was the venue for the 5th annual Sheep Ireland Multibreed ram sale which was held on August 22nd. The Sale is now starting to establish itself as the…
Sheep Ireland ram sale Final preparations are now being made for the Sheep Ireland ram sale. The sale takes place in Tullamore mart on Saturday August 22nd. We have 186…
Premier ram sales These sales continue to take place around the country. Last week both the Charollais and Belclare sales took place with significant interest in €uroStar evaluations noticeable in…
Weekly evaluations We continue to run a weekly evaluation each weekend. This practice ensures that breeders and commercial farmers have the most up to date genetic evaluations available to them…
Sheep Ireland Online Ram Search The Sheep Ireland Ram Search has been updated as part of ongoing works to improving the Sheep Ireland website. The Ram Search allows farmers and…