WATCH: How to use the LambPlus App to record lamb birth notifications!
Check out this short video on just how quick and easy it is to record a lambing event on the LambPlus App! Use the App to record your lambing's this…
Check out this short video on just how quick and easy it is to record a lambing event on the LambPlus App! Use the App to record your lambing's this…
Dr Alan Bohan discusses what the benefits of using the LambPlus app to performance record. It simply makes recording easier, faster while improving your DQI! Want to Trial the App…
Lambing time is responsible for a large proportion of labour requirement throughout the sheep farming year. Ewe mothering ability is a trait that could potentially reduce the labour requirement or…
Using the App to record lambing information is quick and easy and removes extra work that is required if recording on paper. You can also use the app to record…
Submit your CV here Full Time Business Analyst Cork, Ireland Why us? Sheep Ireland’s objective is to help shape the future of the Irish Sheep industry by improving the profitability…
Sheep Ireland were delighted to have two speakers at the Teagasc Sligo/Leitrim/Donegal sheep webinar titled ‘Sheep breeding: What’s coming our way?’ on the 30th of November 2021. The webinar set…
A list of all rams used during the course of the 2021 CPT Mating season. In total there was 39 rams used across the CPT Flocks, 9 for AI and…
Join the Webinar Sheep Ireland is hosting an online workshop for existing and new LambPlus flocks. If you are thinking about joining LambPlus this year then please come along and…
The Central Progeny test mating period is coming to an end for another year. By now all of the ewes will have gone in lamb (fingers crossed) and the rams…
Farmers who want to improve the performance of their flock can take the first step by joining Sheep Ireland’s LambPlus programme. As part of the programme, farmers are expected to…
Genotyping an animal now gives a breeder a lot of information on an animal including parentage verification and predictions (Where parents have also been genotyped), DAFM approved Scrapie and Genomic…
Dr Alan Bohan of Sheep Ireland discusses the benefits of genoytping animals and how you can use it as a tool to drive genetic gain in your flock. In the…