Genotype your potential animals ASAP for the Sheep Ireland’s Elite €uroStar Multi-Breed Ram Sale 2022

Due to the possibility of a ram having a sire or dam changed and/or having a change in €uroStar values following genotyping, we would advise each breeder to genotype additional…

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Winner of Most Improved LambPlus Flock 2022 – Christy, Margaret & Brian Gallagher, Texels, Pullagh

Sheep Ireland held their Sheep Ireland Breeding Conference & Farm Walk on July 12th 2022. A highlight of the conference for many is the award ceremony where Sheep Ireland acknowledge the…

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Finalist of Most Improved LambPlus Flock 2022 – Christy, Margaret & Brian Gallagher, Texels, Pullagh

Christy, Margaret & Brian Gallagher is one of three finalists for this year’s Most Improved LambPlus Flock. The Pullagh Texel flock was established almost 20 years ago and is located…

Continue ReadingFinalist of Most Improved LambPlus Flock 2022 – Christy, Margaret & Brian Gallagher, Texels, Pullagh