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Recording Foster & Pet Lambs

Why its Important to Record Foster & Pet Lambs

Foster lambs generally originate from ewes which have has 3 or more lambs. These lambs are generally fostered onto ewes with one existing lamb or reared as a pet lamb.

It is important to record these events as it affects the genetic evaluations of all involved.

If a foster lamb is recorded correctly, the foster ewe will be credited for rearing two lambs instead of one. The genetic dam of the foster lamb will then be evaluated on the remaining lambs which she rears.

Additionally, the foster ewe’s original single lamb will now be evaluated as a twin lambs since it was reared with the foster lamb.

By inputting this information, it ensures fair and accurate genetic evaluations can be produced.

Watch the video below, explaining the importance of accurately recording foster & pet lambs

How to Record a Foster or Pet Lamb Online

When recording a foster lamb, they should be assigned to their genetic dam under a lambing event. Once complete, the lambs information must be recorded, Under ‘Rearing’ select ‘Foster lamb’ and enter the foster ewe’s ID & the date which the lamb was fostered, as shown below.

Similarly, when recording a pet lamb, they should assigned to their genetic dam under a lambing event. Once complete, the lambs information must be recorded. Under ‘Rearing’ select ‘Bottle Reared’ and select the start and end date, as shown below.

Alternatively, Recording Foster & Pet Lambs on the Sheep Ireland App

Recording foster or pet lambs on the Sheep Ireland app is no different to recording online. Lambs should be assigned to their genetic dam under a lambing event, from there the lamb should be marked as ‘Foster Lamb’ or ‘Bottle Reared’ under the Rearing section of the lambs information, as shown below.