Ovigen DNA Collection Update
The first major phase of the Ovigen project will be coming to an end next week when the final flocks will be visited for DNA collection. In total around 286 flocks were visited to date and we expect to have 10,000 mature ewe and ram tissue samples collected by the end of next week. We would like to thank breeders that took part in the project for their co-operation and they will no doubt be rewarded with more accurate breeding values for their flocks in the years ahead as a result.
Deadline for Submission of 2016 Lambing Data
The last day of April (Saturday 30th) is the deadline for the entry of lambing data onto the Sheep Ireland database. Any lambs entered onto the database after this point will not receive €uro-Star evaluations for 2016. Regular reminders will be sent to breeders over the coming weeks to ensure the deadline is not missed. Breeders should aim to have their lambing information uploaded to the database at their earliest convenience after lambing as this is the best way to record the most accurate data and because of this would be rewarded with a higher DQI.
LambPlus Weight Recording
Any flocks that started lambing in January should already have their 40 day weights collected and February lambing flocks should also be collecting theirs now also. We would encourage breeders to enter their weights on the database as soon as possible after collection.
Sheep Ireland Board Meeting 31st March 2016
Topics covered at the Sheep Ireland Board meeting yesterday included:
Finances – The adoption by the board of the 2015 Audited Accounts.
Flockbook Meeting/Workshop – It was agreed that another follow up meeting with all the breed societies should take place in late April in advance of the next Board Meeting on May 5th. This meeting will be used as a chance to update breed societies on the latest developments with Sheep Ireland, the breed society screens, catalogue generation and Ovigen as well as A.O.B.
Genetic Linkage/Connectedness – It was agreed that flocks should get another update on their flocks genetic linkage status in early May once all the lambing information has been added to the database after the April 30th deadline.
Updates – The Board was also given an update on LambPlus performance recording in 2016, Ovigen and the Pilot project, Evaluation protocols and the CPT lambing. A more detailed update will be provided on the CPT at the next Board Meeting once we have had more time to validate all the data.