Reminder to record Lambing Information
As stated previously we are making small changes to the calculation of our DQI percentage this year. Breeders are advised to submit their lambing information as soon as they can to optimise their DQI. Over 2200 lambs have already been entered on to the database which is encouraging to see at this stage of the year. Early lambing flocks are advised to record their 40 day weights promptly and we will be sending regular reminders to breeders throughout this Spring. The 40 day weight can be recorded within 20 – 65 days of age, see here for a guide as to when you should weigh your lambs.
International Committee of Animal Recording (ICAR)
ICAR is the Global Standard for Livestock Data, and their Annual Conference is due to take place on 7-11 February in Auckland New Zealand. Several representatives from ICBF and Teagasc will attend this hugely informative event. This conference has previously taken place in Cork in 2012 and aims to promote the development and improvement of animal identification, performance recording and evaluation in farm animal production. While this event covers many different species, there will be very interesting presentations that focus on Sheep Genetics. You can keep up to date with this year’s conference here or view previous years presentations on their website.