Weekly Update: 04/08/17

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CPT Ram Selection for Mating 2017

The process for selection of Central Progeny Test rams for 2017 has now begun. For the past number of
years, selection of these rams has centred around the Replacement Index and high index rams for this
particular trait. To maximise the genetic gain of the national flock identifying high accuracy%, high
replacement index rams will be key. The CPT helps us to test rams in commercial farm situations and helps
to significantly build the accuracy% of rams/bloodlines being tested.

Identifying the Right Rams

  • Using indexes to select our CPT rams is critical. However we also need to select rams which are physically
    elite. The objective is to identify sires that tick both boxes and as a result will be attractive to a large
    number of ram breeders for future AI use.
  • In order to deliver genetic improvement, Sheep Ireland will need to work with Breed Societies to ensure that
    where profitable, high performing genetics are identified, that these get used by other ram breeders for the
    benefit of Irish commercial sheep farmers.
  • With this in mind Sheep Ireland will be working closely with all Breed Societies in the selection of potential
    CPT rams for the 2017 season.

Promotion of CPT Rams

  • Going forward Sheep Ireland will be investing a lot of effort into promoting the benefits of CPT
    performance data to commercial sheep farmers. Purchasing a high index ram with CPT ancestry is
    extremely desirable due to the higher accuracies associated with these rams. These higher accuracies are
    driven by performance data from independent, grass based sheep farms.
  • Identifying rams with CPT ancestry is very easy using the Sheep Ireland €uro-Star catalogue. Within the ancestry section of this catalogue this CPT ancestry is clearly highlighted (see graph).

Sheep Ireland Multibreed LambPlus Ram Sale – Saturday 26th August Tullamore

The deadline for entries for the Sheep Ireland multibreed LambPlus Ram sale is fast approaching. The
deadline for the sale is Monday 14th August 2017. Entries that are received after this date will not be

Premier Sales – Upcoming Sales

  • Suffolk – Sat 5th August in Roscrea – catalogue here
  • Belclare – Tues 8th August in Kilkenny – catalogue here
  • Texel – Sat 12th August in Blessington – catalogue here
  • Rouge – Wed 16th August in Tullamore
  • Beltex – Wed the 23rd August in Tullamore