Weekly Update: 22/04/16


LambPlus Deadline

We are in the final week for submitting lambing data with the deadline of 30th April only 8 days away. As each year passes breeders become more familiar with the requirements of LambPlus and this is reflected in the data being submitted. We would urge any breeders that have not submitted any lambing data to do so as soon as possible, either via the website or on paper. This will give everyone time to rectify any issues that may arise before the deadline.

We would also like to remind breeders about removing sheep from their Flock Inventory’s that are no longer on the farm. This will result in a better DQI and a flock that is much easier to manage for the breeder, as there will be less sheep to filter through to find the one you require.


Health Data

A new recording screen is now available for breeders to record Health events on their flock. The current events that can be recorded are listed below. All this data will be used to construct a health index allowing breeders to select for healthier, easier to manage sheep. For more information on how to record this data go to the following link.

  • Lameness
  • Mastitis
  • Prolapse
  • Dag scores
  • Condition scores

LambPlus Sale 2016

Important Note – The LambPlus sale date for 2016 will be Saturday 27th August. The Sheep Ireland ram sale has taken place on the fourth Saturday in August since 2012 and to remain consistent with previous years the sale date for 2016 will be Saturday 27th August.