Sheep Ireland Elite Multi-Breed Ram Sale
- All roads lead to Tullamore tomorrow for the Sheep Ireland Sale which kicks off at 12:00 pm. Sheep
Ireland Technicians will be there from 9:00am to inspect rams upon entry. With over 300 lots entered in the
sale from breeds, all of which are 5 star, there will be a ram there to suit everyone’s needs. For the full
sales catalogue please visit - This sale is an extremely important event in terms of promoting and growing the level of performance
recording in Ireland which will ultimately be a good thing for the entire sheep industry.
Belclare Sheep AI
Last Saturday 19th August a number of Belclare breeders came together on the farm of John Renehan to
carry out some AI on their ewes. High Index rams were the order of the day and despite some issues
collecting adequate quality semen from some rams, all ewes were AI’d successfully. Hopefully the effort
that breeders have gone to will be rewarded with high index ram lambs for sale in 2018.
Some images from the AI below