The Data Quality Index (DQI) is a significant measure that ensures the highest standard of data integrity behind the €urostars.
Sheep Ireland does not publish €uroStar indexes for breeders when their DQI is lower than 40%. A very high DQI figure is also considered as a requirement for our annual Elite Ram sale.
What is the DQI?
- Quality, completeness & timeliness of recording
- 365 day rolling basis – does not begin at zero each season
Why is Quality Important?
- Not all sheep perform the same
- Variances expected within flock and when linked with other flocks
- Lack of realistic variance leads to inaccurate & poor quality data
- Variances in lambing difficulty & mortality in smaller flocks – across 2 years. Across 1 year for large flocks (Revise LambPlus Lambing difficulty chart when scoring)
- Any dead lambs must be birth notified (No need for tag. Mark status as dead. Sex and birth weight for these also)
Why is Completeness important?
- Quantity of data submitted
- Complete dataset on all animals
- Consistent records on progeny across flocks critical for genetic evaluations
- Partial data results in less accuracy in indexes
Things to consider for completeness
- A weight for every lamb on the ground
- Critical that weights are taken within age bracket
- Split lambing will result in separate weighing dates – consider this when choosing weight date
- Use guidelines to help choose a suitable date
Things to keep in mind throughout the season for completeness
- Keep inventory up to date as possible (Movements: deaths, sales)
- A breeding activity for every ewe
- Record unmated ewe lambs
Why is Timeliness Important?
- Reduces data error/loss
- Critical element to reducing fluctuations in star movements
- Data needs be recorded ASAP after collected
The sooner the information gets into evaluations = more accurate indexes earlier in season
Things to consider for Timeliness
- Get data submitted within 3 weeks of the activity happening (Marks tailor off after this point. The longer the length = less marks received)
- Use the LambPlus FREE app to record (Works offline)
Where to find your improvements?
- Your Farmer Homepage
- ‘Click here for more details’
- List of improvements below graph
- Areas are listed in order where the greatest improvements can be made