You may have reached this page because you received a warning while using the Sheep Ireland website that your browser is out of date. To update your browser, please use one of the links on the Browse Happy page.
From a Sheep Ireland point of view, we’d prefer if you used Google’s Chrome browser because we have found it to be the fastest and most reliable experience for our Sheep Ireland users. Click here to download Chrome for free. You won’t regret it – Its fast, consistent and automatically updates itself so you don’t have to worry about it.
Why should you update your browser?
The main reason would be for your own sanity. Old browsers have a habit of mis-interpreting the code behind websites and breaking them. Here is an example:
As you can see from the two images, a site can look completely different in an old browser that doesn’t adhere to expected standards. However, old browsers don’t just mess with how a site looks. It is often the case that buttons won’t work, or will disappear, data doesn’t save when you expect it to, pages can take ages to load or carry out simple actions.
Many companies take the decision to make life easier on their users by committing to supporting older browsers. However this is a very costly commitment. It is often the case that once something is built to work in a current browser, nearly as much time again is spent making the same functionality work on older browsers. With limited resources, we think we would be better putting our time into making the best functionality available for sheep farmers.
As always, we welcome your feedback on this issue. You can email us at [email protected]
And if you do upgrade your browser, we, the developers of the site, thank you sincerely for making all our lives easier.